American Pennyroyal
Hedeoma pulegioides Height: 6-12 in Spread: 6-12 in Bloom Time: August-October Sunlight: Full Sun to Part Shade Soil Moisture: Dry, Very Dry Life Cycle: Annual American Pennyroyal is a short-statured member of the mint family with light green leaves that, when brushed against, give off a very strong and pleasant mint fragrance. Its flowers are blue/purple to white and bloom near the central stem in summer and early fall. These blooms are mainly visited by a variety of small native bees, including Halictid Bees, that collect both pollen and nectar from the flowers. As an annual species, American Pennyroyal completes its life cycle in one year and reseeds readily. Once introduced, it will often self-seed, persisting each year and moving around within the habitat corridor. It naturally occurs in open forests and along woodland edges and can also be found in meadows and on dry banks. Deer Resistant. |