Trumpet Vine
Campsis radicans Height: up to 30 ft Bloom Time: June-July Sunlight: Full Sun to Part Shade Soil Moisture: Wet, Moist, Medium, Dry, Very Dry Life Cycle: Perennial Vine The large 2½'' flowers of Trumpet Vine are bright red, blooming in June and July. Because of their tubular shape, they are used by nectar feeding birds including Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and both Orchard Orioles and Baltimore Orioles. They also have extrafloral nectaries that attract native insects. Because this vine often grows very quickly and has stems that become woody, it is best grown in areas where it has plenty of room to spread. It thrives in a variety of soil moistures, and, unlike invasive non-native vines, it doesn't wrap around trees and smother them. Deer Resistant. |